Cases Virtonex
2023-09-17 23:09

Speech by professor Artem Genkin.

A few facts about Artem:

— Professor, economist, consultant, speaker, visionary, owner of a consulting business and electronic media;
— Doctor of Economics. Full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. More than 200 publications in the leading economic and legal journals of the country;
— Author of 15 books. Main topics: monetary surrogates, private money, electronic payments, cryptoeconomics. Bestseller in February 2023 (jointly with A. Mikheev): "Blockchain for Everyone. How cryptocurrencies, BaaS, NFT, DeFi and other new financial technologies work";
— Founder of the electronic media "INVEST-FORSIGHT", a number of consulting companies and ANO;
— Member of the Boards of Directors of a number of technology companies in Russia and abroad.

Main theses:

1.Metavillages - the next stage of blockchain culture development
2.Motives for economic activity in metavillages
3.How the recapitalization effect affects the economy, and what NFT and metavillages have to do with it;
4.What creates the digital value of NFTs?
5.A few facts about the crypto asset market and the US economy.
6.What is the US dollar actually backed by?
7.How does the liquidity spillover into crypto assets neutralize the risks of fiat issuers?
8.Why do we predict a neat dismantling of the dollar iceberg?
9.Which sectors will get a head start within the cryptoasset market?
10.How modern payment technologies have "corrected" the formula of I. Fisher's exchange equation.

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