Go to
virtonex.com. In the top right corner, click
the "log in" button. Enter your username and password. Click on the blue button at the bottom.
This will open a page where you can create new events and edit existing ones. All exhibitions you have created are also displayed here.
To create an exhibition, click on the plus sign in the centre of the blue button. Select the location that suits you. Click on it. This will open the exhibition creation editor:
- On the left side you can change the exhibition cover, enter the name of the event and its description. You can also specify an organizer here. To add a file click
on the plus sign;
- In the middle is a schematic map of the location with numbered stands. Please note that they vary in size;
- On the right, the stands are presented as a list.
To create an exhibition, select the stand you want on the map or in the list on the right
and click on it. Here you are greeted by the editor interface. In the centre is a schematic representation of the stand. Use the arrows to select the type that suits you.
There are options with a meeting room. It is a basement room that you can get into by going around the main screen on the right side. There you can discuss the exhibition
in a separate voice channel.
Now you can begin to fill the booth.
On the left, you can select the interior colour and the two company colours by moving the slider, or by inserting the colour code in the specific fields. Add logos, inscriptions
and images to be displayed on the outside of your booth. Click on the plus sign to add a file.
Next you will see fields for stand name and description. At the bottom you will be able to give users rights to interact specifically with that stand.
In the middle, in the booth schematic, lines indicate where the content will be located. Here you can upload images, videos, PDFs and 3D files also by clicking on the plus sign.
3D files can be rotated automatically by checking or unchecking the box.
When auto rotate, the object will automatically rotate 360 degrees. When off, users rotate the object on their own.
To add a file click on the plus sign in the field where you want to place the content. In the window that opens you can add the file, its name and description.
Once filled in, click on the button at the bottom "Add Content". Now, you can add the next file to the same screen in the same way.
When you have filled in your stand, click on the button in the bottom right corner "Save
and Return to Map".
If the location you choose is a congress hall, click on the blue button on its schematic.
If the location you select contains a congress hall, you will be able to fill it with content and assign user rights by clicking on the blue button under its schematic representation.
In the last step of the exhibition creation it will be possible to
to personalize the event. You will be able to add images
On the walls, in the meeting rooms, on and around the congress hall. Would you like to send a message to all the exhibitors? Add text to the blimp,
You won't miss it.
You can also choose the theme for the location.
It can be selected in the upper right corner.